Opportunities for Men
Many of us go to a gym to get in shape. We purchase memberships and we add workout routines to our schedules because we know that we need that exercise to keep our muscles growing. Spiritual fitness, like physical fitness, requires some form of ongoing routine to renew our faith and keep growing.
Do not miss these opportunities to learn and grow in your faith!
The Men’s Retreat is purposely structured for young men, and is family-friendly. It is designed to maximize the benefits of a retreat and minimize the time away from your family. In this way you are still able to spend quality time with your family on that same weekend.
Next Retreat: October 17-18, 2025
Time: Friday 5:00 PM - Saturday 12:00 PM
Men's discipleship gathering where participants are encouraged to take a closer look at how they follow Jesus. Men discover Jesus's call in their lives and learn how to live their faith as a personal relationship with Him. With this life-changing relationship, they develop tools to share Jesus with others by the graces they are provided. Men are encouraged to attend anytime, and can come and go as often as they like.
2nd Tuesday of each month | 7:30–9:00 PM
Last Tuesday of each month | 7:00–8:30 PMContact: Joe Graham | 402-651-3876 | jgraham0113@gmail.com or Chris Miller | millercthomas@gmail.com
Exodus 90 is a 90 day exercise for men who want to live a more joyful life and experience a freedom only found by "taking up your Cross and following Jesus" (Matthew 16:24). Men meet together in small groups once a week for 90 days. They work through the Exodus 90 daily reflections growing deeper in prayer, ascetic practices, and fraternity. Celebration at Easter with completion.
Interested? Sign up here or for questions, contact Chris Miller | millercthomas@gmail.com.
Knights of Columbus here at St. Wenceslaus is a multigenerational group of men who are dedicated to fraternity, charity, unity, and patriotism. This group has well over 600 registered members. With monthly business meetings and socials, members interact with each other and encounter different ways to live our the corporal works of mercy. This group also has its pulse on current men's faith offerings withing the parish and the greater community.
Date: 1st Monday evening of the month.
6:30 PM Prayer with Liturgy of the Hours
7:00 PM Business Meeting
8:00 PM Fellowship with food and beverage.Interested? Visit our Council 10909 website, or contact Zach Royse, Grand Knight | zachroyse@hotmail.com or Rod Hofschulte, Membership Director | rhofschult@msn.com
Come join the men currently delving into God's Word and how it applies to our everyday lives.
Wednesdays | Year-Round | 8:00–10:00 PM
Interested? Contact Matt Daeges | 402-598-5415 | matt.daeges4@gmail.com or Dan Bleyhl | 402-699-0884 | danbleyhl@yahoo.com
Welcome Weekends provides an amazing experience presented by male parishioners for fellow male parishioners. Welcome allows participants to reflect on their lives and spiritual walk, while building meaningful relationships with other parishioners.
Next Men’s Welcome Weekend:
March 22-23, 2025 (Sat 8:00 AM - Sun 3:30 PM) - Register Here!For more information, visit our Welcome Weekend page.
Typical large men's group study that watches faith based video series and then discusses in a small group setting. Coffee and donuts at 6:00 AM followed by video and discussion. Come and grow in your faith and discuss with other men of all generations. No homework or prep required!
Questions? Learn more at the TMIY website
Fridays | Sept 6–May 30 | 6:00–7:15 AM | Cain Hall
Contact: Loren Steenson | lorens1531@gmail.com
Looking for information on Men’s Young Adult bible studies or other activities? Visit our Young Adult page, or contact Johnny Murray, Director of Young Adult Ministry | (531) 283-5129 | murrayj@stwenceslaus.org.
Questions? Contact Fr. Tobias Letak, Associate Pastor | frtobias@stwenceslaus.org | (402) 991-3021